Saturday, November 2, 2013

Week of October 27th

Relief Society Purposes:
*Increase faith and personal righteousness
*Strengthen families and homes
*Seek out and help those in need
Lesson Review: The Kingdom of God Moves Forward

Key Doctrine:
"The kingdom of God moves on with force and power, and with grand and glorious success."

"This Church will stand, because it is upon a firm basis.  It is not from man; it is not from the study of the New Testament or the Old Testament, it is not the result of the learning that we received in colleges nor seminaries, but it has come directly from the Lord."

Invitation to Action:
"It is the business of those who profess to be engaged in His work to move on, to go forward...without murmuring or having to be urged; so long as there remains a step forward to be taken, that step should be taken."

Promised Blessings:
"Notwithstanding our difficulties may appear very great, yet there will be means provided for our escape if we ourselves perform the duties incumbent upon us as the children of God."
"It is our business to step forward as did Esther, and be willing to risk all for the salvation of the people.  In undertaking her task, Esther said, "If I perish, I perish... But the people of God will not perish.  There will always be a ram caught in the thicket for their deliverance..."

November 10th Lesson Topic:
Lorenzo Snow Chapter 21 - Loving God More Than We Love The World

The family is the most basic and important unit of society and the highest priority for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Visiting Teaching
From our Visiting Teaching Supervisor - Sister Grethe P:
If our visiting teaching assignments include those who are less active, one thing we should do as visiting teachers, is help them feel the spirit.  One excellent way to do this is to encourage the sister to talk about her past experiences when she felt the spirit.  If she is a convert, we could ask her about her conversion story.  Other experiences she could talk about are her marriage, happy times at girl's camp or other youth activities.  Asking her how she felt may give us the opportunity to help her identify the spirit as the source of the happiness she felt, and a potential source of continued peace.

It is also a good idea to encourage the sister to ask questions.  We can encourage her to write down questions and then be willing to discuss them.  We should be the kind of visiting teachers who allow the sister's questions to determine the topics of messages we bring rather than telling them what we think she needs to hear.  President Dieter F. Uchtdorf said at conference last month, "Some struggle with unanswered questions about things that have been done or said in the past. We openly acknowledge that in nearly 200 years of Church history--along with an uninterrupted line of inspired, honorable and divine events--there have been some things said and done that could cause people to question. Sometimes questions arise because we simply don't have all the information and we just need a bit more patience.  When the entire truth is eventually known, things that didn't make sense to us before will be resolved to our satisfaction....  A question that creates doubt in some can, after careful investigation build faith..."(Ensign, Nov. 2013, p.22)

Every sister has questions and she should feel it is okay to ask them.  Visiting teachers, in these instances, may not want to wait a month before a follow-up visit.  We can invite the sisters to our homes for discussion that could eventually lead us to include missionaries.

*December 5th-7th - Burton 4th Ward Christmas Concert and Art Display

Ward Christmas Concert Information:
We would like to invite every family in the ward to share their testimony of the Savior at our Christmas Concert.  There are several ways this can be done - through art, photography, poetry, or music, or by simply extending an invitation to someone who you feel would benefit from our message about the Savior.

*If your family has artwork, poetry, or photography to contribute, please contact Jen W., Cindy B., or Lorraine F.  We would like all artistic contributions to bear testimony of the Savior and his mission.

*If your family has a Nativity to contribute, please contact Cheri R.

Please include your testimonies of the Savior along with your artistic contributions and Nativities.

*If your family (or a member of it) would like to participate in the Ward Choir, please contact Ruth E. 

*If your family (or a member of it) would like to participate in the Family Orchestra, please contact Julie C.

*If you can help with decorations please contact Heather J. or Jolana G.
*December 14th at 11:00 - Lutheran Church Cantata Performance and Luncheon

November Birthdays

Nov. 1st - McKensie T.
Nov. 4th - Barbara S.
Nov. 6th - Danya L.  
Nov. 13 - Laura C.
Nov. 15th - Dana Rae B.
Nov. 17th - Grethe P.
Nov. 18th - Lynn A.
Nov. 22nd - Mindy H.
Nov. 28th -  Belinda R.