Relief Society Purposes:
* Increase faith and personal righteousness
* Strengthen families and homes
* Seek out and help those in need
As we had Stake Conference last week and therefore didn't have Relief Society, we have decided to do a review of Sister Burton's talk from this last General Conference.
Sister Burton - Relief Society General President |
Her talk can be found at this link:
This talk is wonderful and besides what we will review here, there are some excellent things listed that we can teach to our children to help them become covenant keepers!
This talk is wonderful and besides what we will review here, there are some excellent things listed that we can teach to our children to help them become covenant keepers!
Lesson Review: The Power, Joy and Love of Covenant Keeping
Key Doctrine:
"Elder Jeffrey R. Holland explained that 'a covenant is a binding spiritual contract, a solemn promise to God our Father that we will live and think and act in a certain way - the way of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.'"
Invitation to Action:
Do we have, or are we striving for the attitude: "I'll go where you want me to go....I'll say what you want me to say...I'll be what you want me to be?"
What are some ways that we can create a home that prepares our children to make and keep temple covenants?
Promised Blessings:
"The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost promise us the full splendor of eternal life" !
"Covenant keeping strengthens, empowers, and protects". Keeping covenants gives us "power to resist temptations" that we may have previously struggled with, "courage and strength to help us bear one another's burdens" and "is essential for true happiness".
November 17th Lesson Topic: "Loving God More Than We Love The World
(Lorenzo Snow - Ch 21)
Moms, you can expect even more help in the kitchen this year for Thanksgiving! Sister Roberts sent me this picture of Brother Nielsen and the girls baking pies for the Young Women's activity this week:). It looks like they've got things figured out!
The youth curriculum this month focuses on "Spiritual and Temporal Self Reliance". You can find more about this topic, along with some great videos at:
Also, with our Christmas concert/missionary opportunity coming up, I thought that this would be a good video, to watch as families, to help us explain ourselves and our beliefs about family to others:
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Sister Carole M. Stephens - First Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency |
"When you love, watch over, and serve others in small and simple ways, you are actively participating in the work of salvation."
Sister Stephens
Sister Stephens
* The bishop asks that we as sisters make sure and contact those we visit and find out if there are any temporal needs. The holidays are upon us, and we wouldn't want anyone to go without. If you find that there are needs of this nature, please let Sister Bressler know.
*December 5th-7th - Burton 4th Ward Christmas Concert and Art Display - this means we have less than one month before this great event. Please be thinking what your family can do to be involved!
Ward Christmas Concert Information:
We would like to invite every family in the
ward to share their testimony of the Savior at our Christmas Concert.
There are several ways this can be done - through art, photography,
poetry, or music, or by simply extending an invitation to someone who
you feel would benefit from our message about the Savior.
*If your family has artwork, poetry, or photography to contribute, please contact Jen W., Cindy B., or Lorraine F. We would like all artistic contributions to bear testimony of the Savior and His mission.
*If your family has a Nativity to contribute, please contact Cheri R.
( Please include your testimonies of the Savior along with your artistic contributions and Nativities.)
*If your family (or a member of it) would like to participate in the Ward Choir, please contact Ruth E.
*If your family (or a member of it) would like to participate in the Family Orchestra, please contact Julie C.
*If you can help with decorations, please contact Heather J. or Jolana G.
*December 14th at 11:00 - Lutheran Church Cantata Performance and Luncheon
Happy Birthday this week to: Laura C. (Nov. 13) and Dana Rae B. (Nov. 15)!