Saturday, November 16, 2013

Week of November 10th

Relief Society Purposes:
*Increase faith and personal righteousness
*Strengthen families and homes
*Seek out and help those in need

Lesson Review: "Loving God More Than We Love The World (Lorenzo Snow - Ch.21)
Key Doctrine: 
"When people allow worldliness to pervade their minds and hearts, they turn their backs on eternal principles."
"We have got to love God more than we love the world, more than we love gold or silver, and love our neighbor as ourselves."

Invitation to Action:
How can we take care of our temporal needs without being overcome by worldliness?

How can our love for God help us avoid being overcome by worldliness?

Promised Blessings:
"...through his faithfulness he shall possess thrones, principalities and powers, his children becoming as numerous as the stars in the firmament or the sands on the sea shore.  Who, I ask, has any greater prospect than this?"

November 24 Lesson Topic: 
  Teachings For Our Time "I Will Not Fail Thee Nor Forsake Thee" (President Monson) 

The youth curriculum for November is:  Temporal and Spiritual Self Reliance.  There are some great ideas if you click on the link below, that will make for some great lessons and conversations with your children and youth!
"The outlines in this unit will help the youth understand the importance of becoming spiritually and temporally self-reliant. Although they are in their youth, these young people have been blessed with the gift of agency, and they are learning how to set their own course and find answers to their own problems in the gospel of Jesus Christ. The more self-reliant they become, the more freedom they will enjoy. They will be better prepared to serve the Lord, strengthen their families, and fulfill their future roles as wives and mothers, husbands and fathers."


" 'Lucy Mack Smith's counsel to the first Relief Society sisters is more relevant today than ever before: "We must cherish one another, watch over one another, comfort one another and gain instruction, that we may all sit down in heaven together.'  This is covenant keeping and visiting teaching at its finest!"

-Sister Burton, Relief Society General President


*Choir practice for the Ward Christmas Concert will be Sundays from 5:00 p.m. to 6:15! If you have any questions about the Christmas Concert Choir, please contact Sister Cooley.

*November 23rd - Choir practice at Sister Edstrom's home, at 9:00 a.m. for the Thanksgiving song.

* Please contact Sister Ferguson if you are participating in the art/photography for the Christmas display.  She needs to know the size of your art and/or photography, and if you need an easel to display it on.  If you need table space for your form of art, please let her know that, as well.

*December 1st - Dedication of our new meetinghouse!!!

*December 5th - 7th - Burton 4th Ward Christmas Concert and Art Display.  Please keep doing your part to make this event a success!!

* December 14th - (a Saturday at 11:00 a.m.) - Lutheran Church Cantata Performance and Luncheon.  Please make an effort to attend! Any questions? Please contact a member of the RS Presidency.

Happy Birthday this week to: 
Grethe P.(Nov. 17th),  Lynn A (Nov. 18th), Mindy H (Nov. 22nd), Belinda R. (Nov.28th)!