Relief Society Purposes:
*Increase faith and personal righteousness
*Strengthen families and homes
*Seek out and help those in need

Lesson Review: "Doing Good to Others" (Lorenzo Snow - Ch.22
Key Doctrine:
"We have been sent into the world to do good to others; and in doing good to others we do good to ourselves."
"We are to 'love the Lord, our God, with all our might, with all our mind, and with all our strength, and our neighbor as ourself.' "
Invitation to Action:
"Try to be a little better to-day than yesterday"
"Be ready to do for others more than you would expect from them if circumstances were reversed."
"Pray diligently for this spirit of philanthropy, this expansion of thought and feeling, and for power and ability to labor earnestly in the interest of Messiah's kingdom.
Promised Blessings:
"....Let your minds be expanded to comprehend and look after the interest of your friends that are around you, and where it is in your power to secure benefits to your friends do so, and in so doing you will find that those things which you need will come into your hands quicker than if you labor entirely to secure them to yourselves independent of regarding the interests of your friends. I know this to be a good and important principle."
December 1st - We won't have Relief Society because of the building dedication.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving with your family!!
Families are one of the greatest things that we have to be grateful for!
“You are Relief Society missionaries.
Be as Saviors on Mount Zion to your sisters. Their souls are precious
in the sight of God. Don’t spare any effort to bring His sheep into
the fold – the Savior did not!”
-Elder Mark E. Peterson
“Visiting Teaching is real friendship.
We should get to know these few sisters for whom we are responsible.”
-Camilla Eyring Kimball
*Choir practice for the Ward "Celebration of Christ" will be Sundays from 5:00
p.m. to 6:15! If you have any questions about this
Choir, please contact Sister Cooley.
* Please contact Sister Ferguson if you are participating in the
art/photography for the Christmas display. She needs to know the size
of your art and/or photography, and if you need an easel to display it
on. If you need table space for your form of art, please let her know
that, as well.
*December 1st - Dedication of our new meetinghouse!!! We will only have sacrament meeting next week, and we will meet at 12:00.
*December 5th - 7th - Burton 4th Ward's "Celebration of Christ" Christmas Concert and Art
Display. Please keep doing your part to make this event a success!!
* December 14th - (a Saturday at 11:00 a.m.) - Lutheran Church Cantata
Performance and Luncheon. Please make an effort to attend! Any
questions? Please contact a member of the RS Presidency.