Relief Society Purposes:
*Increase faith and personal righteousness
*Strengthen families and homes
*Seek out and help those in need
Lesson Review: "Be Meek and Lowly of Heart" by Elder Ulisses Soares
Doctrine: "Meekness is vital for us to become more Christlike. Without it we won't be able to develop other important virtues."
Invitation to Action:
*How do I react when someone does not comply with my desires the moment I want them to?
*How do I react when people disagree with my ideas, even though I am absolutely sure that my ideas represent the proper solution to a problem?
*What is my response when someone offends me, critiques my efforts, or is simply unkind because he/she is in a bad mood?
Promised Blessings: "Upon acknowledging our dedication and perseverance, the Lord will give us that which we are not able to attain due to our imperfections and human weaknesses."
Many of us set goals for our new year. What have you decided to do to improve during 2014? Did you know that one goal that consistently tops New Year's Resolutions lists is "to appreciate loved ones and spend more time with family"? Why not take that goal a step farther and set a goal that will improve your family this year? If we are focused on improving our families than we will be spending time with them along the way! What is one thing that YOU could you do to make your family stronger in 2014?
Maybe you want to work on consistent family prayers, family scripture reading or Family Home Evenings. If you are already good about doing these spiritual-related goals, you may want to consider family financial, social,or mental and health-related goals!
.....And while we're on the topic of goals....This might be a great time to make some goals about doing our Visiting Teaching better than ever this year!!

Elder Henry B. Eyring said:
"You are called to represent the Savior. Your voice to testify becomes the same as His voice, your hands to lift the same as His hands. His work is to bless His Father’s spirit children with the opportunity to choose eternal life. So, your calling is to bless lives. That will be true even in the most ordinary tasks you are assigned and in moments when you might be doing something not apparently connected to your call. Just the way you smile or the way you offer to help someone can build their faith. And should you forget who you are, just the way you speak and the way you behave can destroy faith.
Your call has eternal consequences for others and for you. In the world to come, thousands may call your name blessed, even more than the people you serve here. They will be the ancestors and the descendants of those who chose eternal life because of something you said or did, or even what you were. If someone rejects the Savior’s invitation because you did not do all you could have done, their sorrow will be yours. You see, there are no small callings to represent the Lord. Your call carries grave responsibility. But you need not fear, because with your call come great promises.
One of those promises is the second thing you need to know. It is that the Lord will guide you by revelation just as He called you. You must ask in faith for revelation to know what you are to do. With your call comes the promise that answers will come. But that guidance will come only when the Lord is sure you will obey. To know His will you must be committed to do it. The words “Thy will be done,” written in the heart, are the window to revelation."
* Next year our meeting times will begin at 9:00 am with Sacrament Meeting first.
We wish you all a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

January 5 - Susan C.
January 5- Ruth Ann C.
January 9 - Nancy M. (Our ward birthday greeter!!)
January 18 - Renae H.
January 27 - Susan C.
January 28 - Becca H.
January 31 - Katie W. (Our newest Relief Society sister!)