Sunday, December 8, 2013

Relief Society Purposes:
*Increase faith and personal righteousness
*Strengthen families and homes
*Seek out and help those in need


Lesson Review: "The Prophet Joseph Smith" (Lorenzo Snow ch 23)

Key Doctrine: 
"Each of us can gain a testimony that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that the gospel was restored through him."

Invitation to Action:
Joseph Smith "gradually became great in the knowledge of the things of God".  What can we do to follow the Prophet's example as we seek to grow spiritually?

Promised Blessings:
Lorenzo Snow "received, in the most tangible and satisfactory manner, a divine manifestation - the promised blessing - a knowledge of this work." And we can, too!  We are not "left to depend upon the testimony" of anyone or anything, but "we might know for ourselves.  It is an individual knowledge."

 December 15th lesson -  Last lesson from Teachings of Lorenzo Snow-Reflections on the Mission of Jesus Christ  (Lorenzo Snow - Ch. 24)

If you are looking for more Christmas-centered family activities, you may want to consider attending the Ritchie's live Nativity that they do every year:
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Zoe Ricks and Marcus Roberts narrating

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Lakoda and Jade Ricks with one of the sheep

Other members of our ward participating in this production are members from the Wasden, Zollinger, Hinckley, Widerburg, Ritchie, Hartline, Eastin and Spencer families.  There may even be some other families participating that I don't know about!

This production will be running every Monday night until Christmas, at 6:15 and again at 7:00.  Also December 22nd at the same times, and on Christmas Eve at 5:15 and 6:00.

Dress warm and enjoy the Christmas program and the treats following!

Please try to fit visiting teaching into your schedules early this month.  It's going to get busier and busier!  This would be a great week.... ;)

Wow!  The Christmas Open House and Concert turned out so great!!  Thank you, thank you to everyone who helped with this great event.  Our Relief Society Presidency worked especially hard to make this happen and we thank them for all of their hard work and the dedication of their time! Following are some pictures that don't even do justice to how beautifully set up, well-planned and arranged everything was for the Open House:


* December 14th - (this Saturday at 11:00 a.m.) - Lutheran Church Cantata Performance and Luncheon.  Please make an effort to attend! Any questions? Please contact a member of the RS Presidency.