Purposes of Relief Society:
Increase Faith and Personal Righteousness
Seek Out and Help Those in Need
Strengthen Families and Homes
Lesson Review: Joseph Fielding Smith lesson #17: Sealing Power and Temple Blessings

Doctrine: To prepare for salvation in its fullest, we must receive, and help others to receive, temple ordinances through the sealing power.

Invitation to Action: President Smith said, "May I remind you that when we dedicate a house to the Lord, what we really do is dedicate ourselves to the Lord's service, with a covenant that we shall use the house the way he intends that it shall be used." What can we do to follow this counsel?
Promised Blessings: "All those who have worked in this goodly cause {family history work and temple work} shall find their treasure and riches in the celestial kingdom of God. Great shall be their reward, yea, even beyond the power of mortals to understand."
Lesson Schedule:
24th - Teaching for our time
31st - 5th Sunday - The Law of Chastity
School is going to be starting up again in less than a week! Some of my children are excited; some are anxious. ALL of them appreciate a back-to-school blessing from their father! In fact, this may take place during our Family Home Evening next week, along with a discussion on a great talk (with great stories) about priesthood blessings from Elder Oaks:
(Go ahead! Check it out! I don't mind if you copy:)
Missionary spotlight:

I am so excited that Sister Grethe P. has shared this letter from Caitlyn this week!
Caitlyn Powell, who is serving in the California Roseville Mission had the opportunity to return to her first area of missionary service last week to attend the baptism of a man, whose wife she taught and was baptized nearly a year ago. She wrote:The best part of the week though was going to Yuba City for Keith's baptism!!!Before I left I was pretty nervous. I don't want to go to my beloved Buttes Vista ward and feel out of place or politely remembered, but there was nothing to worry about. I couldn't have planned it any better and I felt like I was coming home.
Jessica (the member wife) looked so at peace and confident and relaxed, Ashley (their daughter) was even more spoiled than I remembered, and Keith was barely containing his glory--even his parents came who he thought he would have to bury
before he could be baptized. He asked me to play the piano which I did
gratefully but my heart was pounding and I kept staring around at all
the people I remembered. Bradly (another former investigator) came and I was glad to see him getting along with the young men there. Keith is their scoutmaster. I was
holding my joy pretty well until I looked up and saw Rose (also a former investigator who has a female partner) standing in the corner. I failed to fight back tears as I hugged her, the person I was most excited to see. We didn't get to talk long afterwards but she told me she's now read the book of Mormon 14 times and the Doctrine and Covenants twice. I also learned she's been talking to Bishop Jukes about receiving help moving out so that she could be baptized at the end of the month. I'm almost scared to hold my breath. I can't even express how much I love her. If I only came on my mission to meet her it would have been worth it.
Everyone else was so happy to see me and so kind and I felt my heart
was full to bursting. Even Brother Ross snuck in afterwords in his
"longer" kilt (to show respect) and said they still miss me. It was
almost overwhelming but I didn't want to leave. It still felt like my ward and I
felt like I was home. Couldn't have asked for a better day: my
strength was renewed and my joy was full. How wonderful to be a
All the love
August 21st- 23rd - Varsity scout high adventure
September 3rd - Youth temple trip
September 9th - Ward party!! Dinner and activities, beginning at 6:00 at the Stake Center pavillion.