Purposes of Relief Society:
Increase Faith and Personal Righteousness
Seek Out and Help Those in Need
Strengthen Families and Homes
Lesson Review: Joseph Fielding Smith lesson #16, "Bringing up Children in Light and Truth"

Doctrine: "The first duty pertaining to the training of the children of the Church belongs in the home."
Invitation to Action:
What are some things you and your family are doing well? In what ways might you improve? What can you do to help the youth of the Church strengthen their testimonies?
Promised Blessings:
"If parents have done all in their power to teach their children correctly by example and precept and the children then go astray, the parents will not be held responsible..."
"The adversary is using every clever device, influence, and power within his control to undermine and destroy [the family]. Only the gospel of Jesus Christ applied in family relationships will thwart this devilish destructiveness."
Lesson Schedule:
17th - Joseph Fielding Smith lesson #17
24th - Teaching for our time
31st - 5th Sunday - The Law of Chastity

In Relief Society, we had a discussion about family mealtime. Sister Beck has some very motivating things to say about this topic!:
Powerful NurturingMothers, who are "primarily responsible for the nurture of their children," can be a powerful force for strengthening families when they use mealtimes to gather loved ones. They follow the example of the Savior to calm, teach, and help their families remember important things as they feed, cultivate, educate, and rear at the consecrated tables in their homes."
I also thought this was a fantastic article, from the 1998 Ensign:
https://www.lds.org/ensign/1998/09/mealtime-family-time?lang=engAlso, if you need some new recipe ideas for your family meals, check out the recipes on this blog! I try to frequently up-date those with tried and true favorites.

We still have three more weeks to do our visiting teaching, but that time could be lost before we know it with all the distractions that the end of summer brings! Please get your visiting teaching appointments scheduled, and continue to think about an act of kindness that you can perform for those that you visit teach.
Most of us, at one time or another, need materials from our church library. Sometimes it's easy to take for granted the resources that can be found there, and these wonderful ladies that are there to help us out with what we need:
Sisters Michelle P. and Rae J. Also serving in the library (but not pictured) are Sister Talisha M., and Kera D. |
Along with this calling, these ladies often give up class times and the associations that can bring; but they love this calling!!! They say it is the best in the church. Often times when I am forced into the hall with an extra-noisy baby, I stop in and chat with them a bit. They are such great ladies doing such a wonderful service! Stop in and say hi for yourselves sometime.
4th - Madeline Jonson
7th - Barbara Walters
11th - Cindy Sharp
23rd - Amy Nef
28th - Shandell Hinckley
30th - Carolyn Wright
31st - Deena McNair
August 21st- 23rd - Varsity scout high adventure
September 3rd - Youth temple trip
September 9th - Ward party!! Dinner and activities, beginning at 6:00 at the Stake Center pavillion.
Special information:
For anyone considering going back to school, the Church Education System has the "Pathways" program as an option. Following is a brief explanation of what the Pathway program is:
Pathway classes are conducted online, but students also gather in small groups at least weekly at their local Institute of Religion to work on course assignments and collaborate on educational activities. Husband and wife teams serving as volunteer missionaries in each location donate their time to help these students and provide additional support. After a sequence of preparatory courses, Pathway students can be officially admitted to BYU-Idaho and continue on to earn certificates as well as associate and bachelor's degrees.
For more information, please visit their site at: http://www.byui.edu/about/defining-aspects/pathway