Purposes of Relief Society:
Increase Faith and Personal Righteousness
Seek Out and Help Those in Need
Strengthen Families and Homes
Lesson Review: Joseph Fielding Smith 12 "The Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood"

Doctrine: "The blessings of the Lord are offered to the Saints and to the world through the ministrations of those who hold his holy priesthood, who represent him."
Invitation to action: President Smith said that priesthood holders have a greater incentive to strive for eternal life when they understand their covenants and the Lord's promises. How is this true for all members of the church?
Promised blessings: "The blessings of the Lord are offered to all people through the ministrations of those who hold His holy priesthood."
"What a glorious thing it is to know that the Lord has offered to each of us the fullness of the priesthood, and has promised us that if we will receive this priesthood and magnify our callings, we shall gain an everlasting inheritance with him in his kingdom!"
Lesson Schedule:
June 8th - President's Instruction - Sister Rigby
June 15th - Joseph Fielding Smith #13 - Baptism
June 22nd - Teaching For Our Time
June 29th - 5th Sunday Lesson
If you wonder what your children will be learning this month in the youth and primary auxillaries, please follow the links below:
Youth Curriculum: Priesthood and Priesthood keys
Here are some pictures from the Young Women's retreat to Salt Lake City!
Primary Children's blanket donation |
Tabernacle tour |
Welfare Square tour |
Christus Statue |
Primary Curriculum: Priesthood Ordinances and Temple Work Bless My Family
Also, I wanted to share something that I read, studied, and taught to my family last month! It has helped reinforce in my mind the importance of righteous parenting and protecting and defending the family.
One of my favorite paragraphs:
So powerful! I hope you take the time to read it for yourselves:)
'The role of mother and father is best understood in light of the overall plan of salvation. Brigham Young taught: “The Lord created you and me for the purpose of becoming Gods like Himself; when we have been proved in our present capacity, and been faithful with all things He puts into our possession.” Among the most important things God has put into our possession centers on the family. God has given to each of us a portion of His power to create. In so doing, men and women have the capacity to create mortal bodies for God’s spirit children. Upon the creation of a mortal body, parents begin one of the most important tests of not only mortality but of their eternal existence: to see if they will do all they can to raise a righteous family. Ultimately, it is through righteous parenthood that men and women can prove themselves worthy of godhood, for I believe that the ultimate test of godhood is parenthood!'
So powerful! I hope you take the time to read it for yourselves:)
Up-coming events:
Youth Conference - Trek to Martin's Cove
Wednesday June 25th - Saturday June 28th
Upcoming dates for Relief Society Activities:
June 19th - Temple Activity - We would like to attend a Temple session together @ 6:45 p.m.
September 11th - To Be Announced
November 6th - To Be Announced