Purposes of Relief Society:
Increase Faith and Personal Righteousness
Seek Out and Help Those in Need
Strengthen Families and Homes
Lesson Review: Joseph Fielding Smith #13 "Baptism"

Doctrine: "Baptism, the third principle and first ordinance of the Gospel, is essential to salvation and exaltation in the kingdom of God."
Invitation to Action: Ponder your efforts to keep the baptismal covenant. How does this covenant influence your interactions with family members and others?
Promised Blessings: "That is what baptism is for; (entrance into the celestial kingdom) that is what the gift of the Holy Ghost, by the laying on of hands, is for - to prepare us that we may, through obedience, continue on and on, keeping the commandments of the Lord, until we shall receive the fulness in the celestial kingdom."
lesson Schedule:
June 22nd - Teaching For Our Time "Be Strong And Of A Good Courage" President Monson
June 29th - 5th Sunday Lesson
Primary Curriculum: Priesthood Ordinances and Temple Work Bless My Family
Youth Curriculum: Priesthood and Priesthood keys
*Relief Society temple activity this Thursday (June 19th) - 6:45 session.
*New family! Shantell Stromberg and her family will be moving into Kerry and Grethe Powell's home this month.
*June 25-29 - Youth conference at Martin's cove
*We are going to miss Grethe! As Grethe is moving, she has run into some things that she needs to get rid of. Call her if you are interested in any of the following items:
-over the stove white microwave
-large desk with glass top (older)
-26" girls mountain bike
-desk for a child's room
-refrigerator (she has used it as a second frig in the garage. Works well)
-temple dress that has never been worn; size 10
-6 drawer dresser
-A designer wedding dress, size 10-12