Purposes of Relief Society:
Increase Faith and Personal Righteousness
Seek Out and Help Those in Need
Strengthen Families and Homes
Lesson Review: "Be Strong and of a Good Courage" by President Monson
Doctrine: "In order for us to make the correct decisions, courage is needed"
Invitation to Action:
"We will most certainly be called upon to defend that which we believe. Will we have the courage to do so?"
"None of us would wish to wear such a label (hypocrite), and yet are we reluctant to declare our faith in some circumstances?"
Promised Blessings:
"As we move forward, striving to live as we should, we will surely receive help from the Lord and find comfort in His words."
"I love his promise recorded in the book of Joshua: "I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee...
"...Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."
Lesson Schedule:
June 29th - 5th Sunday lesson on covenants we make in the temple.
July 6th - President's Instruction
July 13th - Joseph Fielding Smith #14 - The Gift of the Holy Ghost
July 20th - Joseph Fielding Smith #15 - Eternal Marriage
July 27th - Teachings For Our Time

Primary Curriculum: Priesthood Ordinances and Temple Work Bless My Family
Youth Curriculum: Priesthood and Priesthood keys
Visiting Teaching:This month the Visiting Teaching message is: The Divine Mission of Jesus Christ: MinisterSister Linda K. Burton has said, "To help us better [minister to] one another, I would like to suggest four words to remember: First observe, then serve." Following this council, please think specifically about the Sisters you visit. What small act of service or kindness could you render that would bless them in the next few weeks?

Heather J, one of our Visiting Teaching Supervisors shares this thought within which is a great example of "first observe, then serve":
"One day I was talking to one of our children about a job that they were going to do. I told themthat sometimes I think to myself, "If I don't do it, then who will? I told them that if they thought about their cleaning chores in that way, they would be more careful to clean every nook and cranny. If we think about visiting teaching in that way, we might understand better how important our responsibility is to watch over our sisters.
The Lord needs us. I have heard a few talks lately where the speaker will say, "The Lord doesn't need us. He could accomplish His purposes without us." Although I understand what they are trying to say, I also completely disagree. We are the Lord's hands on the Earth. He needs us in order to accomplish His work. One of the ways that we can help Him is through visiting teaching. The Relief Society President can't get into every home to visit every sister every month. Visiting teaching is such a divinely inspired concept and is designed to benefit both the person visiting and the person being visited.
When we faithfully visit our sisters, we will feel a greater love for them and our Savior and they will feel the Lord's love through you. I was impressed with Brother Kirkham's talk in church today. We do not know who amongst us needs a loving arm around them or a friend to talk to. Visiting teaching is one way that we can meet those needs. I liked how he talked about his friendship with his home teacher and how the two of them had very little in common, yet they were able to find common ground and build a friendship from there. I am sure that each of us has been assigned to visit someone that we felt like we had nothing in common with. But we are all sisters and through consecutive visits we can find common ground.
Last year I was put in charge of the stakes Fourth of July float. My visiting teacher didn't even ask me if she could come and visit me in June. Instead, she asked me if her and her companion could come and help me work on the float one morning. They did, and we had a nice visit as we worked together. I was impressed that she knew beforehand what was going on in my life and understood that my need wasn't sitting down in my living room and having a formal visit.
One of the reasons that the Lord gave us visiting teaching is so that we would have to take time for each other. He knew that our lives were going to be busy and that we would need something that would remind us that we need to care for one another. And in the end "If we don't let our sisters know that someone cares, who will?" Perhaps, no one."
From Our Leaders:

“I love the women of the Church, young and old. I have seen your strength. I have seen your faith. You have something to give and are willing to give it. You do this without fanfare or publicity, drawing attention to the God we worship, not yourselves, and with no thought of what you will receive. That’s what disciples do!” —Linda K. Burton
Announcements:*We welcome Shantell Stromberg and her family into our ward! They will be moving into Kerry and Grethe Powell's home.*The Powell's have some items that they no longer need. If you are interested, please check the Blog for a list of these items.Service Needed:We are grateful for the miracles that have taken place in the lives of the Haslam family. They are all home and mending well. Over the next several weeks, they will have need of help with meals and other service in their home. Sister Barbara Smith is organizing that endeavor. Please contact Barbara Smith or April Evans if you are able to help in any way with those needs.