Sunday, March 16, 2014

Week of March 9th

Purposes of Relief Society:
Increase Faith and Personal Righteousness
Seek Out and Help Those In Need
Strengthen Families and Homes

From Our History:

Some women felt reluctant and unprepared to speak in public.  Sister [Eliza] Snow gave the following counsel to such sisters: "Do not let your president have to say all....Has not God endowed you with the gift of speech?....If you are endowed with the Spirit of God, no matter how simple your thoughts may be, they will be edifying to those who hear you."
"Emily S. Richards said that Sister Snow helped her learn to speak in public: "The first time she asked me to speak in meeting, I could not, and she said, "Never mind, but when you are asked to speak again, try and have something to say,' and I did." Sister Richards continued to improve in her ability as a public speaker, and in 1889 she spoke at the National Woman Sufferage Association convention in Washington, D.C.
(Taken from Daughters in My Kingdom page 49)

Lesson Topic:

"No greater responsibility can rest upon any man [or woman], than to be a teacher of God's children
(President David O. McKay)
Mormon Sunday school
Key Doctrine:  
We have a responsibility to teach.

"Every person position in the church requires an effective teacher.  It is our most important calling." 
(Elder L. Tom Perry)

"We are commanded to teach one another the doctrines of the kingdom." (Elder Bruce R. McConkie)

"Families should teach their own family members.  Parents are commanded to bring up their children in light and truth.  The home should be the chief teaching center in the life of a Latter-Day Saint."
(Elder Bruce R. McConkie)

Invitation to Action:
What questions do you have about teaching?  Seek through study and prayer to answer those questions.

As you prepare to teach, ponder and prepare inspired questions that will help those you teach discover gospel principles  for themselves.  Invite you class to ask questions so they are in a "learning mode."

"Pray for the gift of teaching" (President Boyd K. Packer)

Promised Blessings:
"You may be an older person who thinks that your ministry is finished, you may be a young person who is frightened about everything, or a mother who is so busy with the children, or a father who is preoccupied, but you can teach, and you can pray, and you can be guided.  And you will.  You'll be blessed of the Lord - I promise you that."

"Teaching is a sacred calling, a holy calling.  The thing I think I would tell teachers is that they never teach alone.  They never have to be alone.  The Lord has promised that in the scriptures." 
(President Boyd K. Packer)

The Lord said, "Teach ye diligently and my grace will attend you." (D&C 88:78)

Recommended Reading:
Teaching As The Savior Taught - (Elder Walter F. Gonzalex, Ensign, September 2004)
Questions, the Heart of Learning and Teaching (Ensign, January 2008)
Worldwide Leadership Training - Teaching and Learning (February 2007)