Purposes of Relief Society:
Increase Faith and Personal Righteousness
Seek Out and Help Those in Need
Strengthen Families and Homes
From Our History:

"Relief Society sisters in Europe experienced great devastation from WW11. They also demonstrated praiseworthy courage in serving one another in spite of harrowing conditions. They continued faithful and relied on their testimonies and the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Their lives and testimonies from this period are truly inspiring.
After the war, Maria Speidel, who served as the president of the Germany Stuttgart District Relief Society wrote:
"The past five years have been difficult ones and we have become very humble. Our trust in the Lord and our testimony of his Church have been our pillar of strength. He has kept us mercifully, and although there was much to suffer, he has given to us a measure of his strength. Some of us have lost all our earthly possessions, every tangible thing ever dear to us, and when we say 'It is better to walk with God in the darkness than without him in the light,' we know whereof we speak....
"....With joy we sing the songs of Zion and put our trust in the Lord. He maketh all things well." (Daughters in My Kingdom, Pg. 76)
Lesson Review: Lesson 6 - Joseph Fielding Smith "The Significance of The Sacrament"

Key Doctrine:
"The partaking of these emblems constitutes one of the most holy and sacred ordinances in the Church."
Invitation to Action:
"What can we do to remember the Savior and His Atonement when we partake of the sacrament?"
Promised Blessings:
"If a man fully realizes what it means when he partakes of the sacrament, that he covenants to take upon him the name of Jesus Christ and to always remember him and keep his commandments, and this vow is renewed week by week - do you think such a man will fail to pay his tithing? Do you think such a man will break the Sabbath day or disregard the Word of Wisdom? Do you think he will fail to be prayerful, and that he will not attend his quorum duties and other duties in the Church?"
March 30 - Fifth Sunday Lesson - We will be combining with everyone (youth and adults) and the lesson will be on obedience and sacrifice.
April 6th - General Conference
April 13th - Ward Conference
April 20th - Joseph Fielding Smith Lesson #7 - "Joseph and Hyrum Smith, Witnesses for Jesus Christ"
April 27th - Joseph Fielding Smith Lesson #8 and 21 - "The Church and the Kingdom of God" and "Proclaiming the Gospel to the World"
Revised lesson schedule for April (some things were switched around because of Ward Conference):
April 6th - General Conference
April 13th - Ward Conference
April 20th - Joseph Fielding Smith Lesson #7 - "Joseph and Hyrum Smith, Witnesses for Jesus Christ"
April 27th - Joseph Fielding Smith Lesson #8 and 21 - "The Church and the Kingdom of God" and "Proclaiming the Gospel to the World"
March Youth Curriculum: The Atonement of Jesus Christ
Primary Curriculum: Jesus Christ is Our Savior
Arianne R., one of our Visiting Teaching Supervisors shares some of her good experiences with Visiting Teaching:
"I have been blessed to have an amazing Visiting Teacher. She has helped me can food from my garden on a number of occasions, which helped me out tremendously! And also one time I was sick and she came and visited me, and then she stayed and washed all my dishes that had been piling up. What a great example she has been to me about serving as a Visiting Teacher."
"I have been blessed to have an amazing Visiting Teacher. She has helped me can food from my garden on a number of occasions, which helped me out tremendously! And also one time I was sick and she came and visited me, and then she stayed and washed all my dishes that had been piling up. What a great example she has been to me about serving as a Visiting Teacher."

March 20 - Relief Society Activity - dinner and a speaker
March 23 - Relief Society sings in sacrament meeting
March 29 - General Women's Broadcast
Missionary moment:
I emailed Sister Hammer for an up-date on her mission, and she sent me this picture! Apparently the Somsen's got to visit her. Hopefully I'll be able to get some more details soon - she looks like she's doing good!
* The Young Men would like to earn some money for Scout Camp by helping with Spring Cleaning. If you have any spring cleaning needs, please contact Brother Rigby.
*The Elder's quorum is playing basketball every Wednesday evening. If you are interested in cheering on our Elder's Quorum, or have a husband who would like to play, please contact Brother Hansen for more information!