"The Joy of Living a Christ-Centered Life"
Conference Talk given by Elder Richard Maynes in the Oct 2015 Conference
If our lives are centered in Jesus Christ, He can successfully mold us into who we need to be in order to return to His and Heavenly Father’s presence in the celestial kingdom. The joy we experience in this life will be in direct proportion to how well our lives are centered on the teachings, example, and atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Be sure to read the talk to see how our lives centered in Christ can be compared to the centering of clay on a pottery wheel.
Invitation to Action:
Our core, the center of our lives, must be Jesus Christ and His gospel. Living a Christ-centered life means we learn about Jesus Christ and His gospel and then we follow His example and keep His commandments with exactness.
Centering our lives in Jesus Christ and His gospel will bring stability and happiness to our lives. We can find peace, happiness and true joy.
To listen to or read the lesson click here:
Lesson Schedule
December 8th - Presidents Instruction
December 13th - Ezra Taft Benson Lesson 23
December 20th- Ezra Taft Benson Lesson 24
December 27th - Teaching for our Time
Lutheran Christmas Cantata
Saturday, December 12th, 11:00 am
Please R.S.V.P. to 709-7478 so we can get a count on how many sisters will be attending. There will be a luncheon following the concert and we have been asked to give a head count for the luncheon!
Recipes on the blog:
Have you seen the new recipes on the recipe blog? Help me add to them by sharing your favorite holiday recipes!
Please send them to: drbennett1@hotmail.com or call or text them to 208-351-7083.
Visit the ward recipe blog: www.burton4threcipes.blogspot.com
Visit the Relief Society blog: www.burton4thrs.blogspot.com