"The Book of Mormon - Keystone of Our Religion"
Ezra Taft Benson - Lesson 9
“Is there not something deep in our hearts that longs to draw nearer to God? … If so, then the Book of Mormon will help us do so more than any other book.”
The Book of Mormon is the keystone in our witness of Jesus Christ, who is Himself the cornerstone of everything we do. It bears witness of His reality with power and clarity. Unlike the Bible, which passed through generations of copyists, translators, and corrupt religionists who tampered with the text, the Book of Mormon came from writer to reader in just one inspired step of translation. Therefore, its testimony of the Master is clear, undiluted, and full of power. But it does even more. Much of the Christian world today rejects the divinity of the Savior. They question His miraculous birth, His perfect life, and the reality of His glorious resurrection. The Book of Mormon teaches in plain and unmistakable terms
“Now we not only need to say more about the Book of Mormon, but we need to do more with it. Why? The Lord answers: ‘That they may bring forth fruit meet for their Father’s kingdom; otherwise there remaineth a scourge and judgment to be poured out upon the children of Zion’ [D&C 84:58]. We have felt that scourge and judgment!
“… The Book of Mormon has not been, nor is it yet, the center of our personal study, family teaching, preaching, and missionary work. Of this we must repent.”
“We have not been using the Book of Mormon as we should. Our homes are not as strong unless we are using it to bring our children to Christ. Our families may be corrupted by worldly trends and teachings unless we know how to use the book to expose and combat falsehoods. … Our missionaries are not as effective unless they are [teaching] with it. Social, ethical, cultural, or educational converts will not survive under the heat of the day unless their taproots go down to the fulness of the gospel which the Book of Mormon contains. Our Church classes are not as Spirit-filled unless we hold it up as a standard.”
“I feel certain that if, in our homes, parents will read from the Book of Mormon prayerfully and regularly, both by themselves and with their children, the spirit of that great book will come to permeate our homes and all who dwell therein. The spirit of reverence will increase; mutual respect and consideration for each other will grow. The spirit of contention will depart. Parents will counsel their children in greater love and wisdom. Children will be more responsive and submissive to the counsel of their parents. Righteousness will increase. Faith, hope, and charity—the pure love of Christ—will abound in our homes and lives, bringing in their wake peace, joy, and happiness” (Ensign, May 1980, p. 67).
These promises—increased love and harmony in the home, greater respect between parent and child, increased spirituality and righteousness—are not idle promises, but exactly what the Prophet Joseph Smith meant when he said the Book of Mormon will help us draw nearer to God.
Read, study, or listen to the entire lesson here:
President Benson gave a conference talk in Oct. 1986 titled, "The Book of Mormon-Keystone of our Religion" that goes great with this lesson. You can read it here:
Hands, just like service, come in all sizes. The Friend magazine incorporates both into its new “Give Us a Hand” campaign.
The campaign, which was introduced in the January 2015 Friend and Liahona, encourages children to find ways to serve. It invites them to find and do an act of service and then trace their hand on a piece of paper, write their act of service on the handprint, and send it to the Friend or Liahona. Handprints are being published in both magazines during 2015 for children to see.
The inspiration for the campaign comes from President Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s April 2010 conference address entitled “You Are My Hands.” President Uchtdorf told the story of a certain statue of Jesus Christ damaged in World War II. The townsfolk, unable to replace the statue’s hands when restoring it, added these word s to the base: “You are my hands.”
The response to the “Give Us a Hand” campaign so far has been incredible. Already, more than 8,300 hands have come in from children all around the world, from Amsterdam to Argentina and from Bangkok to Brazil, with more arriving every day.
Families and entire Primaries have sent in handprints as well. When Michelle Rodgers of Folsom, California, saw the activity in the Friend, she thought it would be an excellent family home evening idea. “It was really easy and quick, and I thought, ‘Perfect, this is just what we need tonight.’”
Read the entire article here to see and read what some families are doing:
Isn't the Humanitarian efforts of the church amazing? I just read about their new efforts in the Church News.
New LDS Charities Training Program to Improve Health of Mothers and Babies Worldwide!
Elza Kunelashvili, a midwife from Akhaltsikhe, Georgia, was on duty at the hospital when a baby was born with no heartbeat. The staff knew that the baby was most likely dead. As Elza took the baby in her hands, the situation changed.
Elza explained, “When I put him in my palm, I felt a heartbeat. Luckily I had taken a neonatal resuscitation training course…I started ventilating the baby with a bag and mask, and by the end of the first minute, he was alive. Just imagine my joy and the joy of his parents.
Read the entire article here:
Learn more about the work of LDS Charities and the humanitarian arm of the church:
The most effective missionaries, member and full-time, always act out of love. … If we lack this love for others, we should pray for it. - Dallin H Oaks, "Sharing the Gospel"
To proclaim the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ is a fundamental principle of the Christian faith. Three of the gospel writers report this direction by the Savior.
The book of Mark records: “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
“He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned” (Mark 16:15–16).
Matthew quotes the Savior’s command, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matt. 28:19).
Luke states, “Thus it is written … that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations” (Luke 24:46–47).
President Gordon B. Hinckley has given the clarion call for our time. In a worldwide satellite address to missionaries and local leaders, he asked for “an infusion of enthusiasm” for missionary work “at every level in the Church” (“Find the Lambs, Feed the Sheep,” Ensign, May 1999, 107).
Though missionaries must continue their best efforts to find persons to teach, he declared that the “better way … is through the members of the Church” (105). He asked each of us to give our very best efforts to assisting missionaries in finding persons to teach. He also asked that each stake president and each bishop “accept full responsibility and accountability for the finding and friendshipping of investigators” within their units (107). President Hinckley also invoked the blessings of the Lord upon each of us “in meeting the tremendous challenge that is ours” (104).
Though it has been two and a half years since our president made this plea, most of us have not yet acted effectively upon his challenge.
As I have prayerfully studied President Hinckley’s words and pondered over how we can share the gospel, I have concluded that we need three things to fulfill our prophet’s challenge. First, we need a sincere desire to share the gospel. Second, we need divine assistance. Third, we need to know what to do.
Relief Society Announcements:
Lesson Schedule:
May 10th – Ezra Taft Benson #9 – The Book of Mormon – Keystone of Our Religion
May 17th – Ezra Taft Benson #10 – Flooding the Earth and Our Lives with the Book of Mormon
May 24th – Teachings For Our Time
May 31st – 5th Sunday
Calendar Items:
Calendar Items:
Sunday May 17th – Seminary Graduation. 6 p.m. at the Stake Center
Sunday May 31st – Visiting Teaching Conference
If you have a recipe you would like to share send them to: drbennett1@hotmail.com or call or text them to 208-351-7083. We would love to have your favorite holiday recipes!
Visit the ward recipe blog: www.burton4threcipes.blogspot.com
Visit the Relief Society blog: www.burton4thrs.blogspot.com
Visit the Relief Society blog: www.burton4thrs.blogspot.com