Lesson Review:
"Living Joyfully In Troubles Times"
Ezra Taft Benson - Chapter 4
We will all have disappointments and discouragements—that is part of life. But if we will have faith, our setbacks will be but a moment and success will come out of our seeming failures. Our Heavenly Father can accomplish miracles through each of us if we will but place our confidence and trust in Him.
It is a great blessing to have an inner peace, to have an assurance, to have a spirit of serenity and inward calm during times of strife and struggle, during times of sorrow and reverses. It is soul-satisfying to know that God is at the helm, that He is mindful of His children, and that we can with full confidence place our trust in Him.
Invitation to Action:
We have no cause to really worry. Live the gospel, keep the commandments. Attend to your prayers night and morning in your home. Maintain the standards of the Church. Try and live calmly and cheerfully. … Happiness must be earned from day to day. But it is worth the effort.
Do we realize that happiness here and now consists in freely, lovingly, joyfully acknowledging God’s will for us—and doing it in all ways and all affairs big and small? To live perfectly is to live happily. To live happily is to grow in spiritual strength toward perfection. Every action performed in accord with God’s will is part of that growth. Let us not partition our lives. Let us unify our lives, being contemptuous of fictitious honors and glories that do not come with God’s approval. Let us remember that the real source of our strength and happiness is beyond the reach of men and circumstances.
Promised Blessings:
Do we realize that happiness here and now consists in freely, lovingly, joyfully acknowledging God’s will for us—and doing it in all ways and all affairs big and small? To live perfectly is to live happily. To live happily is to grow in spiritual strength toward perfection. Every action performed in accord with God’s will is part of that growth. Let us not partition our lives. Let us unify our lives, being contemptuous of fictitious honors and glories that do not come with God’s approval. Let us remember that the real source of our strength and happiness is beyond the reach of men and circumstances.
Be cheerful in all that you do. Live joyfully. Live happily. Live enthusiastically, knowing that God does not dwell in gloom and melancholy, but in light and love.
Let your minds be filled with the goal of being like the Lord, and you will crowd out depressing thoughts as you anxiously seek to know him and do his will. “Let this mind be in you,” said Paul. (Philip. 2:5.) “Look unto me in every thought,” said Jesus. (D&C 6:36.) And what will follow if we do? “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee.” (Isa. 26:3.)
We will never be alone if we live as we should, because our Father will always be with us to bless us. He wants us to be successful. He wants us to be happy. He wants us to achieve the good goals we set. He will do His part if we do our part.
Read or Listen to the entire lesson here:
- Learn together. During family scripture time and everyday teaching moments, discover the gospel together.
- Pray together. As you call on Heavenly Father, you will find that He loves each of you.
- Hold family home evening. Set aside a time each week when you can count on being together.
- Make wise media choices. Ensure that what enters your home is edifying.
- Serve side by side. Grow closer together through service, such as helping a neighbor, sharing the gospel, or doing family history.
- Express love daily. In word and deed, show Christlike kindness.
What are the most important things you could do to strengthen the love in your family? The six above are among the best. Find more about strengthening your family at
“Of all people, we must surely realize that there can be no true worship of Him who is the Christ without giving of ourselves. Why are missionaries happy? Because they lose themselves in the service of others” President
“The only way under the heavens whereby a person can be sanctified is in selfless service” Elder
“Service with all of our heart and mind is a high challenge for all of us. It must be motivated only by the pure love of Christ” Elder
“Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matt. 25:40).
Sweeping the Earth As If a Flood:
Do you get nervous about sharing the gospel? Here's a couple of quotes from and a link to an article printed in the Feb 2005 Liahona, containing suggestions and answers to overcoming your fears.
Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has said, “The intensity of our desire to share the gospel is a great indicator of the extent of our personal conversion” (“Sharing the Gospel,” Liahona, Jan. 2002, 7; Ensign, Nov. 2001). You have the desire. Now let that desire grow into action as you practice sharing the gospel (see Alma 32).
“Do not let fear overcome your efforts. … Fear comes not from God but from the evil one. The adversary of all truth would put into your heart a reluctance to make an effort. Cast that fear aside and be valiant in the cause of truth and righteousness and faith. If you now decide that this will become the pattern of your life, you will not have to make that decision again.” President Gordon B. Hinckley, “Words of the Living Prophet,” Liahona, June 1998, 26; “Excerpts from Recent Addresses of President Gordon B. Hinckley,” Ensign, Jan. 1998, 72.
Read, or listen to the entire article here:
Relief Society Announcements:
We are excited about our upcoming Relief Society Activity, this Sunday, February 22nd @ 6:30 p.m.! Elder Alan C. Batt, and his wife Millie will be speaking to us. All adults ages 18 and older are invited to attend. A nursery will be provided. We will meet in the Chapel for the fireside. Following the meeting, we will have light refreshments in the Cultural Hall. We look forward to being together and enjoying a great meeting!
Please also remember the upcoming Stake Women of Christ Fireside:
March 1st at 6 PM @ the Stake Center.
Congratulations to the Oliphant's on their handsome new addition!
Alexander David Oliphant
Born: Jan 18th, 2015
Weight: 7 lbs 3 oz
Length: 20 inches
Lesson Schedule for February/March:
February 22nd - Teachings For Our Time
March 1st- General Area Broadcast (see announcements)
March 8th- Ezra Taft Benson - Chapter 5
March 15th - Ezra Taft Benson - Chapter 6
March 22nd - Teachings For Our Time
March 29th - Bishop's Choice
March 1st- General Area Broadcast (see announcements)
March 8th- Ezra Taft Benson - Chapter 5
March 15th - Ezra Taft Benson - Chapter 6
March 22nd - Teachings For Our Time
March 29th - Bishop's Choice
Recipes on the blog:
If you have a recipe you would like to share send them to: or call or text them to 208-351-7083. We would love to have your favorite holiday recipes!