Purposes of Relief Society:
Increase Faith and Personal Righteousness
Seek Out and Help Those in Need
Strengthen Families and Homes
LESSON REVIEW: Joseph Fielding Smith #9/ #10 – “Witnesses of the Book of Mormon” and “Our Search for Truth”

"It is a requirement that is made of us, as members of this Church, to make ourselves familiar with that which the Lord has revealed, that we may not be led astray."
"We may know gospel truth by study, faith, and obedience and through the guidance of the Holy Ghost."
Invitation to Action:
"How are we going to walk in the truth if we do not know it?"
Promised Blessings:
"And whoso treasureth up my word, shall not be deceived." Matthew 1:37
"As we put our lives in harmony with the truth, the Lord increases our light and understanding."
"The promise has been made to all those who will receive the light of truth and through their research and obedience endeavor to acquaint themselves with the Gospel, that they shall receive line upon line, precept by precept, here a little and there a little, until the fulness of truth shall be their portion; even the hidden mysteries of the kingdom shall be made known unto them; "for every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." All these are heirs of salvation and they shall be crowned with glory, immortality, and eternal life, as sons and daughters of God, with an exaltation in His celestial kingdom."
Lesson Schedule:
May 11th – Joseph Fielding Smith #11 – “Honoring the Priesthood Keys Restored through Joseph Smith”
May 18th – Stake Conference
May 25th – Teachings For Our Time
May Youth curriculum: Prophets and revelation
May Primary curriculum: Families are Blessed When They Follow The Prophet
This year our seminary students need to be registered on-line. If you haven't had a chance to do this yet, please click on this link to get the process going!
"On May 8th there will be a community sponsored wellness fair at the Madison Jr. High School Gym from 1:00-7:00 pm. This "total wellness event", will have more than 50 local health and wellness providers providing information regarding health for all ages. All screenings are free and available that day. For more information call 359-3300 ext. 3440"

*We have two new engagements in the ward! Brycen Sharp recently got engaged, as did Morgan Rigby!!
*If you didn't get a chance to see the pictures of the new babies in the ward, click on last week's post and take a peek!
May 17th and 18th - Stake Conference. We will be having the Saturday meeting at 6:00 pm and all adults and youth 12 years old and older are invited to attend.
May 25th – Relief Society Musical Number.
We will be singing “Come Thou Fount” in Sacrament Meeting.