Purposes of Relief Society:
Increase Faith and Personal Righteousness
Seek Out and Help Those in Need
Strengthen Families and Homes
Lesson Review: Joseph Fielding Smith #7 – “Joseph and Hyrum Smith – Witnesses for Jesus Christ.”

Doctrine: The Lord called Joseph Smith to stand at the head of this glorious dispensation.
Invitation to Action: "Do you believe that Joseph Smith restored the gospel to the Earth in our dispensation? Then what are you going to do because of that knowledge?"
Promised Blessings: All people can receive a testimony of Joseph Smith. "Every soul upon the face of the earth who has a desire to know it has the privilege, for every soul that will humble himself, and in the depths of humility and faith, with a contrite spirit, go before the Lord, will receive that knowledge just as surely as he lives."
Lesson Schedule:
April 27th – Joseph Fielding Smith #8/ #21 – “The Church and Kingdom of God” and “Proclaiming the Gospel to the World”
May 4th – Joseph Fielding Smith #9/ #10 – “Witnesses of the Book of Mormon” and “Our Search for Truth”
May 11th – Joseph Fielding Smith #11 – “Honoring the Priesthood Keys Restored through Joseph Smith”
May 18th – Stake Conference
May 25th – Teachings For Our Time
April Youth curriculum: The Apostasy and Restoration
April Primary curriculum: The Family is Central to God's Plan
A Visiting Teaching experience from Natalie Powell, one of our Visiting Teaching Supervisors:
My sweet grandmother was very self-sufficient, in fact she had a freezer full of prepared meals for “just in case moments.” These meals were often used to help a friend in need, and ut always brought her joy to help someone else. However, there were times when she became ill and those frozen meals were used to feed her own young family. Her visiting teachers would often offer to step in and help out during these times, but my grandmother would always politely refuse their help and tell them she had everything under control. One day it was brought to her attention that the meals the visiting teachers were offering to assist her with were more for their benefit than hers. She has re-told this valuable lesson to me many times and cautioned me to not turn away the visiting teacher's helping hand because if I did I would be held responsible for denying them their blessings. We have wonderful sisters in our ward yearning for the opportunity to show their love to our Heavenly Father. I know that visiting teaching is divinely inspired and that the Lord wants us to give love through service. Please let your visiting teachers serve you, they need your friendship just as much as you need theirs!
Relief Society Announcements:
We have a couple of new babies in the ward!! Clarissa Draney and Laura Cutler have both had their baby boys. Since we probably won't see them at church for awhile, I thought it would be nice to share their new, tiny bundles here on the blog!
And so, without further adieu, we will first introduce Jared James Cutler:
And this is Weston John Draney:
Our thoughts and prayers are also with those in the ward who have recently lost loved ones. Jennifer Ball's father and Heather Jonson's father have both recently passed away, as has Lorraine Ferguson's sister.
April 22nd – “Oh the Places You’ll Go"
Stake Meeting for all Laurels and their mothers. Held at the Burton East Building @ 6:30 p.m. Sunday Dress. Refreshments will be served.
May 18th – Stake Conference
May 25th – Relief Society Musical Number.
We will be singing “Come Thou Fount” in Sacrament Meeting.
BYU-Idaho's Education Week is scheduled July 31 - August 2, 2014. In order to keep costs to a minimum, volunteer hosts are being requested once again to help staff the event. Volunteer hosts will receive a complimentary pass when committing to serve a part-time shirt for three consecutive days (Thursday, Friday, and Saturday). Interested individuals will be contacted with more information.Hosting duties may include:
*Greeting participants *Checking registration tickets as participants enter classes *Taking attendance counts *Assisting the faculty *Hosting table *Ability to stand for 30 - 45 minutes, walk moderate distances, and climb stairs.
An orientation meeting will be held on the BYU-Idaho CampusSaturday, July 19 from 10 - 12 noon in the Austin Building (Room 105).
If you are interested in participating, please email me (Wendy) with the following information:
Name Mailing Address City State Zip Telephone E-Mail
Handbell Choir Concert:

Featuring 30 Bell-ringers from across the Mountain West and conducted by nationally renowned conductor and composer Cathy Moklebust.
Saturday, April 26 at 7:30 p.m.Skyline HighSchool Gym - 1767 Blue Sky Drive, Idaho FallsAdmission is free
For questions, please contact BigSky@gmail.com
*Brother Ritchie wanted us to let the Sisters know that they are still looking for volunteers to help do sealings on Wednesday mornings at 7:30 and 8:15.
*Julie Coray helps with a "Teddy Bear Clinic" at the hospital, and she says they are looking for about 50 gently used stuffed animals that they can have on hand to give to the kids who don't have a stuffed animal to bring with them. Please talk to her if you can help out with this!