Sunday, January 19, 2014

January 12th Lesson Review

Relief Society Purposes:
*Increase faith and personal righteousness
*Strengthen families and homes
*Seek out and help those in need

Lesson Review: Joseph Fielding Smith:  Chapter 1 "Our Father in Heaven"

Doctrine: We must remember "the nature and kind of being that God is, so that we may worship him in spirit and in truth and thereby gain all the blessings of his gospel."

Invitation to Action: As you exercise faith in your Heavenly Father, how does it help you to know of His Characteristics?

Promised Blessings: "It was never the intention of our Father in heaven to leave men to grope and feel their way in darkness and that without any light to guide them, and expect them under such conditions to find their way back to his kingdom and into his holy presence.....The Lord has always been willing to lead and direct and show the way."