Sunday, September 22, 2013

Week of Sept. 22nd

Relief Society Purposes:
*Increase faith and personal righteousness
*Strengthen families and homes
*Seek out and help those in need

Lesson Review: Church Leadership and Selfless Service

Key Doctrine:

"...Let those who preach in the midst of [the]Saints, realize what the Priesthood was placed upon them for: let them know and fully sense why they were appointed to fill such and such an office, viz., that they should act in the spirit of our Master, a servant of all, that they learn to consider and esteem in the same affectionate interest, the welfare of all, as they do that of themselves.... Then will they enter into the spirit of the two great commands upon which, said the Savior, "hang the law and the prophets," namely, loving the Lord with all our might, mind and strength, and our neighbor as ourselves [Matthew 22:37-40].

Invitation to Action:
Consider ways we can magnify our callings without magnifying ourselves.
As we fulfill our callings, what are ways we can "feed the flock" of Christ?

Promised Blessings:

"If a presiding elder will only seek to become as he may be and ought to be, ridding himself of selfish principles, and always act for the good of his people, and be humble, and not seek to do too much in a little time, or be too great until grown, he will never be at a loss how to magnify his office properly nor will ever lack the power of God to bring about His wise purposes."

September 29th Lesson Topic:

"Why We Are Organized Into Quorums And Relief Societies"


Family Night:

The full time missionaries are looking for teaching opportunities. Please consider inviting the missionaries into your home to teach your family!  Brother Briggs, from the High Council, shared the following message:

A recently returning missionary made the distinction between doing "missionary work" and doing "the Lord's work." From their perspective, "missionary work" involved more finding, and "the Lord's work" involved more teaching.  The Elders in our Stake are desirous to teach Gospel principles to those investigating the church, and to members as well, for the benefit of all.  Please consider having the Elders in your home for a short visit to share a gospel message.

Elder's Phone # 206-3184
 Youth Curriculum:

Dinner Recipes:

Check the side-link for weekly recipe up-dates!


Visiting Teaching:

The Purpose of Visiting Teaching Is To Minister

How do we minister?
     1. Pray daily for the sister you visit and her family
     2. Seek inspiration to know her and her family.
     3. Visit her regularly to learn how she is doing and to comfort and strengthen her.
     4. Stay in frequent contact through visits, phone calls, letters, e-mail, text messages, and simple 
         acts of kindness.
     5. Greet her at Church meetings.
     6. Help her when she has an emergency, illness, or other urgent need.
     7. Teach her the gospel from the scriptures and the visiting teaching messages.
     8. Inspire her by setting a good example.  (See "How Visiting Teachers Love, Watch Over, 
            and Strengthen a Sister," in Daughters in My Kingdom, page 123.)

Note of Appreciation:
 We wanted to thank all the Relief Society sisters who are serving in the primary and who do such a great work every single week teaching our children and reinforcing what we are trying to teach them at home!  Right now we are feeling especially appreciative of all the time and hard work that they have put into this year's primary program.  THANK YOU!!  When I went to pick my kids up from the practice on Saturday, I was looking around the room at all of the wonderful ladies (and men) who are serving in the primary and I just felt such an over-whelming feeling of love and gratitude for each of you and the great work that you are doing with all of the children.

We have sisters serving in achievement days, scouts and the nursery...I know I am missing pictures of so many sisters, but I have pictures of some of the sisters serving in the primary and we appreciate ALL of you!!
This Monday, Sept. 23, Julie C. is treating all of the kids to an ice cream party at Porter Park from 2:30 - 4:00 as a reward for their hard work learning all the songs for the program:)

Service Opportunities

* The Pelligrino Family has moved out of our ward.  They need help packing their kitchen and doing some final cleaning.  If you are available to help in the evenings, the Young Women and Relief Society Sisters will be joining forces on Tuesday, September 24th from 7-8 in the evening.  If you are available to help in the mornings, the Relief Society will be doing some final cleaning on Wednesday, September 25th from 10-11 in the morning.

* Speaking Partner Program:
 The BYU-Idaho Pathway program is helping to change the lives of students all over the world.  One way this happens is by helping Pathway students improve their English language skills.  BYU-Idaho needs volunteers to serve as Speaking Partners this semester to help these students.  Volunteers are paired with a Pathway student and spend about 30 minutes a week in a Skype video chat; no second language skills are necessary.  If you would like to help a Pathway student gain valuable English skills, volunteer today at<>.

- Volunteers only visit ONCE a week.
- All appointments will be limited to 30 minutes.
            * A new sign-up and self-match system has been developed, which allows volunteers to pick a    
            specific day and time they are available to meet.

* The General Relief Society Broadcast will be held on September 28th.

* The Burton 4th Ward October Relief Society Activity will be held on October 24th!

* There are several ladies in the ward in need of canning jars.  If you have extra jars that you no longer  
    need, please contact Sister Bressler @ 356-3531.