Lesson Review:"A Priceless Heritage of Hope"
April 2014 Conference Talk Henry B Eyring
you are and wherever you may be, you hold in your hands the happiness
of more people than you can now imagine. Every day and every hour you
can choose to make or keep a covenant with God.
you are on the path to inherit the gift of eternal life, you have the
opportunity to show many people the way to greater happiness. When you
choose whether to make or keep a covenant with God, you choose whether
you will leave an inheritance of hope to those who might follow your
Lord has given to man a code of laws that we call the gospel of Jesus
Christ. Due to lack of inspiration and spiritual guidance, men may
differ in relation to these laws and their application, but there can
hardly be a dispute in regard to the fact that such laws do exist, and
that all who seek entrance into that kingdom are subject to them.
“Behold, mine house is a house of order, saith the Lord God, and not a house of confusion.” (D&C 132:8.)
Invitation to Action:
Lord has given us all the source of hope as we struggle to help those
we love accept their eternal inheritance. He has made promises to us as
we keep trying to gather people to Him, even when they resist His
invitation to do so. Their resistance saddens Him, but He does not quit,
nor should we. He sets the perfect example for us with His persistent
love: “And again, how oft would I have gathered you as a hen gathereth
her chickens under her wings, yea, O ye people of the house of Israel,
who have fallen; yea, O ye people of the house of Israel, ye that dwell
at Jerusalem, as ye that have fallen; yea, how oft would I have gathered
you as a hen gathereth her chickens, and ye would not.”
can depend on that unfailing desire of the Savior to bring all of
Heavenly Father’s spirit children back to their home with Him. Every
faithful parent, grandparent, and great-grandparent shares in that
desire. Heavenly Father and the Savior are our perfect examples of what
we can and must do. They never force righteousness because righteousness
must be chosen. They make righteousness discernible to us, and They let
us see that its fruits are delicious.
Promised Blessings:
all we can do in faith, the Lord will justify our hopes for greater
blessings for our families than we can imagine. He wants the best for
them and for us, as His children."
are all children of a living God. Jesus of Nazareth is His Beloved Son
and our resurrected Savior. This is His Church. In it are the keys of
the priesthood, and so families can be forever. This is our priceless
heritage of hope. I testify that it is true in the name of the Lord
Jesus Christ, amen."
Read or Listen to the entire lesson here:
As we ponder our opportunities to leave a “priceless heritage of hope” to our
posterity, consider the following quote from Sister Julie B. Beck:
“I spent quite a few
months this last winter studying about Rebekah from the Old Testament. I have been taken by her
mission and what she had to do. I love Rebekah and I have learned so much from her. I feel
that she is one of the women at the head of the house of Israel. . . . I have
loved studying her characteristics, her circumstances, her blessings, her
journeys, her family, her experiences, and her
challenges. She had a very full mortal experience. It had its highs and its lows. I have learned
that she was one of the most pivotal and important people in the history of mankind, certainly in
the house of Israel. Without a Rebekah, the house of Israel would not have been brought forth.
Without a Rebekah who knew who she was, the house of Israel would not have been brought
forth. Without a Rebekah who knew her responsibilities in the house of Israel, that house would not
have come to pass. Without a Rebekah who knew how to receive revelation, the house
of Israel would not have been brought forth. Without a Rebekah who understood the
blessings of the priesthood, the house of Israel would not have been brought forth.
The lesson for me in
all the hours and months of studying Rebekah and her family is that each of us in our day is as important to our generation and to our time as
Rebekah was in her time. We each are pivotal in our families, and the success of the house of
Israel is now dependent on millions of Rebekah’s who understand what their place and mission is on
the earth. Each of us is a daughter of heavenly
parents, and as part of the house of Israel, we come from royal blood. When we choose our
mission, we have power and influence in that royal house and in the Lord’s work. He is depending
on us.”
Is your family prepared to listen to conference this weekend?
General conference is intended to be a revelatory experience as participants learn from living prophets and apostles through the power and influence of the Holy Ghost. Proper preparation will help ensure that you get the most out of your conference experience.
Resources to Help You Prepare
Strengthening Faith and Testimony
By Elder Robert D. HalesOh, how we need general conference! Through conferences our faith is fortified and our testimonies deepened.... (watch or read more)
Activities for Children
Print activities for children like a general conference notebook or conference coloring pages. Play online games like the prophets and apostles matching game. (download or play here)Three Basic Steps of Preparation
By President Dieter F. UchtdorfIn preparation for general conference, let me suggest three basic concepts that may help us to better receive, remember, and apply the words spoken by the Lord’s servants. (read more)
Individual Impact of Conference
“If we teach by the Spirit and you listen by the Spirit, some one of us will touch on your circumstance, sending a personal prophetic epistle just to you.” –Jeffrey R. Holland (watch video & read more)Why We Need Prophets Today?
By President Dieter F. UchtdorfToday is not different from ages past. The Lord does not love the people of our day any less than in past times. One of the glorious messages... (read more)

Highlights from Last Conference
Read, watch, listen, download, or share highlights from April’s general conference messages. (read more)Preparing Children for Conference
Several members share how they have
helped their children prepare for, participate in, and learn from
general conference. (read more)
General Conference Blessings
By Paul V. JohnsonDecide now to make general conference priority in your life. Decide to listen carefully and follow the teachings that are given. (read more)
Official Web site of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Missionary Spotlight: Elder and Sister Wade
We are serving in the
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada mission working with the YSA wards. There are six wards in Edmonton that meet in
two different locations. We attend three
wards one Sunday in the historical Whyte Ave Chapel, which was dedicated by
President Nathan Eldon Tanner who was serving as branch president at the
time. Dedicated in 1951, it was the
first LDS church building in Edmonton and is located in a unique, busy part of
old town Strastcona. The missionaries
will often set up booths outside the building on the sidewalk and hand out
pamphlets and talk about the church.
The next Sunday we
attend the three wards that meet in the Institute Building located across the
street from the University of Alberta campus.
This building is busy all week as it is used for classes, institute and
ward gatherings, and just a refuge from busy campus life. Our assignment is to make member,
missionaries, and investigators feel welcome in this building. We bake cookies, make and serve waffles
with all the trimming, help with a weekly dinner sponsored by one of the six
YSA wards, and provide a meal and speaker for Friday Forum. We often joke, “If you feed them, they
will come.” Elder Wade also comments,
“We knew we were called to serve, but we didn’t realize it would be serving
cookies, dinner, lunch.”
We so enjoy working
with the YSA. They are intelligent,
capable, giving, loving, into missionary work and fellowshipping, and they have
such strong testimonies. We have learned
from them as they share the stories of their lives. We are excited when they share news of
mission calls, engagements, graduations, new job, and weddings.
We also invite the
young missionaries to our apartment for dinner so we can get to know them
better. They will often call us to go
with them to teach lessons, which is always a great experience to watch them
teach the gospel. The young missionaries
are so great. We love each one of
them. We are also assigned to check six
missionary apartments once a month scattered all over the city. We are lucky enough to check the missionaries
that are serving in Edmonton finding investigators that speak Mandarin,
Tagalog, and Spanish. They have an extra
challenge as they serve and we love to visit them once a month, check their apartment
for cleanliness, and visit with them about their missionary service. I can’t
stress enough how we enjoy our association with these outstanding Sisters and
Elders that are working so hard, are so obedient, and have such strong
We miss home, family,
grandchildren, the Burton Ward, and the small town living of Rexburg, but enjoy
our service with the Young Single Adults in Edmonton, Canada and meeting the
wonderful members of the church in Canada.
Sweeping the Earth As If a Flood:
Invite your friends and family to watch conference using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google, or your blog! See for several images you can share and use to invite.
Relief Society Announcements:
Many of you have met Cheyenne Peterson in Relief Society. Her family just moved into the Ranova's home. She will be getting baptized on October 11th @ 2:00 p.m. in the Stake Center. We would like to invite you to attend her baptism.Recipes on the blog
Fall is in the air! It's time to collect recipes for soups and casseroles. If you have a recipe you would like to share send them to: or call or text them to 208-351-7083.
Visit the ward recipe blog:
The recipes shared at the last Relief Society Activity will also be printed there.
October Lesson Schedule:
and 5th – General Conference
12th –
Joseph Fielding Smith #20 – Love and Concern for All Our Father’s Children
– Joseph Fielding Smith #22 – Prayer – a Commandment and a Blessing
– Teachings For Our Time